Testimony: Jacoby Jones
My name is Jacoby Jones. I am 39 years old. Three months ago my life was upside down but one night I asked Christ to come into my life and since that day on November 4th 2018 I have become a miracle and God has turned everything in my life around for His Glory. I now have peace of mind and I don’t hate myself any longer. I wake up with joy in my heart, grateful and thankful for all he has done and everything he is going to do.
I’m God’s baby now and everything I have is because His hand is upon me. My past was weighing me down but God has taught me to use my past as a powerful testimony and as fuel to strive for more out of life. Today my life has meaning and purpose. I was truly lost on drugs. I stole from people, lied and conned people and I had no remorse. I didn’t care about anyone or anything other than my self. I went back and forth to jail so many times it was like a second home to me. I was just a punching bag for the Devil for years.
When God touched my heart and made me new all the old things past away and everything became new. I love God wholeheartedly and I walk in faith today. I now have power faith and Jesus and God has seen things in me that I couldn’t see for myself. I know Jesus died for me and everybody and I no longer take that for granted. If the Lord promises life abundantly then today and every day I am going to stand firm on that promise.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life and I pray that one person will read this and they will come to know Jesus. If he can work a miracle in my life then He can work one in yours. I have spent a lot of time volunteering at The Hope Center and I feel so good giving back to the Lord and to the community of Bakersfield
Thank you for reading this in Jesus name, Amen.